
2018 Annual Report to the Secretary-General

The UNSGSA's 2018 Annual Report to the Secretary-General highlights her work and activities over the year, including country visits to Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia and India. 

This past year the UNSGSA worked vigorously to help expand development progress in countries around the world. The strategy she put in place in 2017 continues to guide her work by focusing on 1.) ensuring financial services are actively used in a way that improves people’s lives; 2.) reaching underserved populations, specifically women, farmers, and small businesses; and 3.) fostering the public goods and policies needed for digital financial inclusion. Throughout her work she has also promoted customer-centricity—one of the best tools available to address low usage—and has prioritized engaging the private sector. By pressing on all of these fronts, the UNSGSA aims to drive progress where opportunity is ripe and advances can improve lives.

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