With Germany taking the helm of the new G20 presidency and focusing on financial inclusion as one of its priorities, the Special Advocate, who also serves as honorary patron of the G20’s Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), met with Germany leaders to discuss how best to expand affordable and secure financial services to excluded populations around the world.
Queen Máxima praised Germany for playing a longstanding leadership role on the issue of financial inclusion, and she emphasized that the time is now ripe to move strongly into the stage of implementation, building on plans developed by the GPFI. She also encouraged Germany to amplify its long-term impact by establishing close working partnerships on financial inclusion with past and future G20 presidencies, including Argentina’s presidency in 2018.
The Special Advocate met with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble and Development Minister Gerd Müller, and joined a high-level round table on financial inclusion in relation to the G20 agenda.
Read the Special Advodate's Jan. 26 speech to the G20: Balancing Innovation and Risks in the Digital Era