
G20 2020 Financial Inclusion Action Plan

The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is an inclusive platform for all G20 countries, interested nonG20 countries and relevant stakeholders to carry forward work on financial inclusion and the implementation of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP), endorsed at the G20 Summit in Seoul. The GPFI is committed to advancing financial inclusion globally by increasing the quality of access to, as well as the use of, sustainable formal financial services, thereby expanding opportunities for underserved and excluded households and enterprises as an instrument to ensure well-being and sustainable development. The 2020 G20 FIAP—a revision of the earlier 2010, 2014 and 2017 editions—comes at a time of crisis, as the COVID19 pandemic represents an extraordinary global challenge that is having a profound impact on the global economy, including challenges for individuals and businesses, especially those related to financial inclusion.

This report features a foreword by UNSGSA Queen Máxima, who is Honorary Patron of the GPFI: "The new edition of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) comes at a very challenging, yet most opportune moment, given the damaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world. We have witnessed severe disruptions in economic activities and threats to socio-economic life, particularly for underserved segments, such as SMEs, women, the poor, and smallholder farmers."

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