H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands will deliver remarks and participate in a webinar with key members of the private sector for a high-level discussion (invite only) on the importance of financial health in the context of financial inclusion on 26 March 2021. She will participate in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).
Financial health is a universal issue—relevant to both developed and emerging economies. Additionally, it is more urgent than ever due in part to the financial and economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which could potentially push 163 million people into extreme poverty (Global Economic Prospects, World Bank, 2021). This has further underscored the importance of financial resilience and well-being.
The webinar is an initiative of the UNSGSA’s Financial Health Working Group, which held its first meeting in December 2020. The UNSGSA’s speech will highlight some desired outcomes, such as deepening private sector commitment to the financial health of customers and employees. Attendees will include representatives from leading banks, fintech companies, and insurance companies.
Also in attendance will be members of the UNSGSA Financial Health Working Group, which represent a wide range of organizations and companies. These include the Centre for Financial Regulation & Inclusion (Cenfri), Financial Health Network (FHN), MetLife Foundation, Aspen Institute, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), Bankable Frontier Associates (BFA), Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), ING Global, Development Bank of Latin America (CFA), Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, and the World Bank Group.
Additionally, there will be a panel discussion featuring representatives from Mastercard's Center for Inclusive Growth, ING Global, CBA, LendingClub, and PayPal.