H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), is pictured at a meeting with members of the CEO Partnership for Economic Inclusion (CEOP) during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on 22 January 2020. (Photo credit: HubCulture)
The UNSGSA attended the 50th edition of the WEF from 20-23 January where she also held bilateral meetings with various heads of state, ministers, central bank officials, fintech organizations, and other private sector leaders to discuss promoting financial inclusion.
Additionally, the Special Advocate attended the TIME 100 Davos Dinner, delivered opening remarks at the Smallholder Finance as Asset Class hosted by the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), opened the “Financial Inclusion Beyond the Individual: The Role of MSMEs” workshop, participated in a High-Level Panel on Africa, along with several plenary sessions, and attended the Stewardship Board Meeting and a Washington Post lunch.
The IDH event can be viewed on YouTube by clicking here.